Thursday, February 24, 2011

Time and Place

 I have a real felt sense of time's acceleration. I don't believe it only involves aging or over involvement in activity.  I think this acceleration is a physical reality.  Time seems to be narrowing and becoming more one pointed.  I seldom feel a real spaciousness, that actually invites the unknown, and the unknowable.

The political, environmental and social news is filled with change, and suffering.  Locally the street corners are filled with the homeless,  many who tell me they are ill, and have nowhere to heal. Furthermore, our politician's policies seem to be intent on creating as much suffering for people animals, and nature as possible.

Certainly the suffering of the world is felt by the World.  We are all a part of the same entity.  The air I breath out others inhale.  The water that I use ends up in someones cistern.  We are not separate. Gaia suffers along with us.

So  what can do with the time we do have.  I suggest, be kind to others, to ourselves, to the four legged and the plants. Practicing cheerfulness as an antidote to suffering.  Be active, do what you feel you need to and want to.  Participate in the world both locally and globally

Recently a friend read me a passage from a book where the author speculated that we leave nothing of us behind when we visit or pass through a place.  I disagree.  We  leave an imprint that becomes part of the place, and take an imprint that becomes part of ourselves. This seems to me irrefutable, proven by high energy physics as well as our our senses. 

This leads me to the thought of awareness.  Perhaps to be completely aware is to become one with time and place, and then to just be.


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