Monday, March 26, 2012

The Political is Personal and Planetary

Today as I begin writing this blog the Moon is new in the sign of Aries, and also quite close to the Aries Point.  In short lots of new energy,  that I hope will result in change that will benefit all of us. I've been thinking about the personal as political for awhile and the many topics that could be discussed under this umbrella. I can go on at length about any of them. However, at the present moment,  I feel lucky to be inspired to write.  I think that inspiration is presently in short supply.   Fear, life's pressures, internal and external blocks affects us all.  I hope that this season gives everyone the chance to triumph in overcoming whatever is holding them back.

One of the things that I have learned in my life is that going straight forward and trying to break through obstacles often does not serve.  At times it is more effective and efficient to go around or to not be there for the barriers that arise. How to do this is a learning that each of us must do in our own time and way.  The path is individual to each walker. Gentleness is a must in our attitude toward ourselves and others.

With the above in mind. here is a  partial  list of  topics that  I believe effect us on a Personal, Political and Planetary level.  In an true sense there is no difference between the three P's. What each of us chose to do is Political statement and effect the Planet.

  • The entry and emphasis of right wing Christian religion beliefs in the Political Discourse resulting in the chilling of  the expression of different ethical systems, and the erosion of freedom of religion.
  • The encroachment on a women's right to control her body,  a keep them barefoot and pregnant mentality.
  • The reality of Global warming and its effect on us all.  There as been no precipitation here in Boulder, although March is traditionally our wettest month. 
  • The ever increasing cost of  University education, and the limits this imposes on the middle and working class.
  • The erosion of our civil liberties with the ever increasing surveillance of all of our actions.
  • The economic, psychological and sociological effects that the never ending wars has on each of us. 
  • The ever increasing distortions and lies propagated by the corporate media.
  • Unwanted local and global changes that seem out of our control.
  • The limiting of options for work and career.
  • Draconian drug laws that are incarcerating more and more people for non harm "crimes".
  • The increasing power of the gas and oil industry both locally and globally.

Although I am alarmed by the things mentioned in this list, I am not hopeless.  I do not feel that we as individuals are helpless to effect the items on this list.  I believe that the people currently wielding political power in this country would like us to feel powerless, but indeed we are not.  We all have the power to act, and if we act together we are unstoppable.

I believe that having a contemplative and/or centering practice is essential  for our own well being, as well as helping us to act dharnically.  We need to practice awareness if we are to act in a way that is centered for the greater good.   A centering practice can range from sitting quietly for 10 to 15 minutes, to walking in a pastoral setting to structured practices such as  meditation, Yoga, Tai Chi, and other formal disciplines.  These practices and resultant knowledge that we have been given are the saving graces of this time.  As a result  we are able to be alone,  to be quiet, and to just let it be.  This gathering of energy is the basis for right action.

It is becoming clearer to me that any change that we wish to make toward wholeness, peace and understanding will not come from the political arena or from our current political leaders.  The changes that we wish to see must come from each one of us.  We must be the model and the instrument.

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