We are an incredibly wasteful society. New is cool. Old and used is tacky. . The value of thrift has given way to the increasing valuation of consumption. Consumer goods are manufactured for obsolesce so we are forced to buy again and again. As a society and as individual we consume too much. Considering the state of the environment "be thrifty" should be the new dictum.
Believe me buying stuff and getting more into debt will not save the our economy. Consumerism should not be our religion. Fixing and saving should be stressed. In the past there were small businesses devoted to the repair of electronics and small appliances . Now if one little part breaks, we throw it out. The well paying jobs of repairman no longer exist. Repairmen were doing a real and satisfying service. Now the jobs are in the fast food industry.
How can we as individuals be thrifty. Here is my list of ideas. These ideas have been around for awhile, they are not original to me. I have implemented some, and need to get going on others. Some require an initial investment either in time or money. Others are easy and not costly. All are needed, and some are essential.
Believe me buying stuff and getting more into debt will not save the our economy. Consumerism should not be our religion. Fixing and saving should be stressed. In the past there were small businesses devoted to the repair of electronics and small appliances . Now if one little part breaks, we throw it out. The well paying jobs of repairman no longer exist. Repairmen were doing a real and satisfying service. Now the jobs are in the fast food industry.
How can we as individuals be thrifty. Here is my list of ideas. These ideas have been around for awhile, they are not original to me. I have implemented some, and need to get going on others. Some require an initial investment either in time or money. Others are easy and not costly. All are needed, and some are essential.
- Insulate your house and install energy efficient windows.
- Do not buy a large car.
- Do not buy an SUV.
- Drive your old car until it dies.
- Do not replace appliances until they are no longer useful.
- When replacing worn appliances, buy those rated as energy efficient.
- Do not buy stuff unless your really need it.
- Fix what can be fixed.
- Grow a garden.
- Shop at locally run businesses.
- Buy less for Christmas.
- Make the gifts that you give.
- Avoid buying at big box stores.
- Keep on using your old cell phone for as long as you can.
- Conserve water, take short showers, use grey water in the garden, install a drip system in your garden.
- Do not build or buy a house that is bigger then you need.
- Take the bus, or train whenever possible
- When running errands, arrange your errands to drive as little as possible
- If buying a new car invest in a hybrid.
- Hang a clothes line and use it to dry your laundry.
- Use less heat in winter, wear a sweater
- Use less air conditioning in summer. Lessen the shock when going out.
- Instead of air conditioning install ceiling fans or buy a room fan.
- Ride a bike or walk whenever possible
- Don't buy food that in transported great distances (e,g, New Zealand apples)
- Do not run the dishwasher until it is completely filled.
- Have neighbors share items such as lawn mowers, tillers, etc.
- Subscribe to wind or solar energy as much as possible.
- Install solar panels on your home.
- Live more simply
- Learn to love and honor the earth, plants, and the animals that pass through your yard.
- Pay attention to pre-cycling. Do not buy stuff that is overly packaged.
- Do not use harmful chemicals in your yard
- Carry your own spoon and fork, so you do not need to use plastic ware at the deli, etc.
- Recycle, don't throw thing away if they are recyclable.
- Do not buy plastic water bottles. Carry your own water bottle and refill it.
- Say home and enjoy your unique environment.
- Watch less TV
- Read book gotten from the public library
- Turn off all circuit strips when not in use.
- Unplug your chargers when not in use.
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